It's already2Year time,That is the use of Siemens6RA70When debugging DC motor,Current optimization is the mock motor,After the current optimization is completed,巴慕达中国售后服务There is no problem in calling the current step.,But when I started to optimize the speed,First transistor,Results The motor is speedful,Excitation current meter value reaches maximum,After that, cut offenable,But it is not good,can not stop at all,Can only be separated,Motor free parking。
Post inspection device,Suspected is a problem with the device,Re-send the power after replacement,Rotate motor,Still uncontrolled direct flight,Divert,Thinking and observation line, etc.,Check intermediate terminal lines such BALMUDA台灯在那修 as excitation lines and transformer lines,All demolished,turn outKMwithAMSynchronous power cord,But the line is indeed a pallet.,Causes the device current loop directly open the ring,Motor speed is not controlled。
Don't look at such a small fault,It does not reflect the electrical commissioning can't have 巴慕达台灯故障代码 a little sloppy,Every detail must be detected by each line,I can land in my heart.,It can be guaranteed to be guaranteed in normal operation.。